Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Kellie's Facebook Post

I should have posted this long ago but have been slacking a lot so I apologize.  Things are staying calm right now she is still doing therapy three times a week and we don't have any updates on what is to come yet they just want her body to keep recovering as much as it can with what they have done so far.

Kellie posted on Facebook about what happened and explains things really well so for any of you that don't have it here is her post:

On Wednesday, September 24 we welcomed our third baby girl, Mila (mee-la) to our family. The labor was short, easy and smooth. She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 20 inches long. She is healthy, beautiful and has a full head of dark hair.
Four days after her birth (three weeks ago tonight -- 9/28), a major artery of my heart dissected (tore) resulting in a heart attack. I was rushed to a local hospital and then air lifted to the U of U Hospital in SLC. My condition is Spontaneous Coronary Heart Dissection (SCAD) and was likely a result of pregnancy. It is speculated that the combination of increased blood flow, thinner veins and arteries and post partum hormones created the perfect storm inside my heart. This condition is RARE and there are 160 reported cases since 1931 (a quick google search of "SCAD and pregnancy" will give you all the detail you never knew you wanted to know).
Over the course of the next week, a temporary heart pump was placed through my left femoral artery (groin) [Tuesday -- 9/30], two more arteries dissected, which caused another heart attack and resulted in another surgery to place two stents in my heart and a second temporary pump in my right femoral artery [Thursday -- 10/2].
The pumps that were helping my heart were slowly turned down and on Tuesday (10/7) the pump in my left groin was removed. Unfortunately, a blood clot had formed in my artery. I went in for 4 hours of surgery to remove the clot. At the same time, the second pump was removed which was originally planned to occur a day or two after the removal of the first pump, but given the clot the doctors felt this was the best course of action.
I was slowly weaned off of other IV medications that were helping my heart and on Tuesday (10/14), Jason drove me home after two and a half weeks in the hospital.
We feel extremely blessed to be where we are today. I am on several medications, have strict physical restrictions and multiple weekly appointments to monitor my progress. The hope is my heart will recover enough to be managed with medication, diet and exercise. Modern medicine is amazing and if I don't heal enough there are other options that will treat my condition (heart failure). These options range from internal pace makers to LVADs and heart transplants.
We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support that we have received from family, friends, neighbors, work colleagues, and people we don't even know. The prayers, fasting, well wishes and positive thoughts have absolutely helped us get where we are today. Jason and I believe that hope inspires when life's storms beat upon us and we are grateful for every victory we receive no matter how small. We will continually be paying forward the generous acts of kindness we have received during this time and thank you for all you have done for our family.

She also posted this a couple days ago:

The first two weeks of October I told myself I would be home by November 1st. And look at me now, on the couch with this lovely lady. Life is good!

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